Monday, November 23, 2009

YOUR best is Yet to Come!!!

Welcome to D.I.V.A.S by DESIGN BLOG.  I am Dr. MeChelle and I am glad that you have come to our blog.  I felt the need to write this blog because after many years of counseling women, in and out of Church, saved and unsaved, I realized that many women are lost and having trouble dealing with issues.

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For years we were taught that when we got saved that God would take care of all the past problems that we had and that it was all going to be alright.  So we just learned to pretend that the past never happened and that all the things that we went through was not important.  When in fact it is important, it does come up and then we react in ways that we really don't want to.  I believe that God does heal and that he does deliver and sets us free, but we do need help sometime.  We need to talk things through and sort things out with someone  who can pray with us and help us to heal.
That is where I come in.  I always had a passion for Psychology, but always felt that it would be in conflict with my Christian Beliefs. I realized that it was God who placed the desire in me in the first place. 

 That is where  Divas having Tea, D.I.V.A.S by DESIGN Conferences, and this Blog comes in.  God using me to be a blessing to HIS PEOPLE.  Helping YOU to move on and  have the BRIGHT FUTURE that HE PLANNED for your life.

I hope that as the weeks and months go on that something in this blog helps you and blesses you, feel free send me any e-mails that you want to regarding an issue that you are still struggling with.  I won't give out names but the things that I write about and the issues that I address are real.  But so are the Victories that happen as a result of the Person and Work of the Lord.

Be Blessed,

Dr. MeChelle

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