Sunday, December 13, 2009

Holiday blessings and New Year expectations

Divinely, Inspired, Victorious, Anointed Sisters
As I began to think about the past year and reflect on the things that I have gone though and or the things that others have gone though.  I have to reflect on the Word of God and what HE said about these days in which we are now living.
We are in the LASt Days, in case you don't realize what is happening let me enlighten you.  The bible is VERY clear stating the events that were to take place in the end of days and what the world at large would be like.  I see this everyday and everyday when I read a headline I am just revisiting the scripture.
For me and for you if you are a believer this is a time when God wants us to Lift up our Heads and rejoice, because our redemption is nigh.
I mention this because some people don't remember this part of the scripture when they refer to the End of Things, all they want to concentrate on is the Bad, but there is some good.  Good for me and for you, because even though the ENd is near, so is The beginning for us.
So for the coming Year, I say LIVE!  Do ALL the things that you have planned to do and don't QUIT.  God said for us to occupy until HE cOMES.
bE BLessed,
Dr. MeChelle

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